“Chiropractic care provided me with a better quality of life,” stated Brigadier General Becky Halstead

 Gen. Halstead served 27 years in the U.S. Army. She was the first female graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point to obtain the rank of general, and she was the first female general to command troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“I believe in the service that chiropractic care gave me after I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It provided me with an overall wellness,” she said. “And I believe in the importance of providing access to chiropractic care for military servicemen and women. The conditions our military endures can cause serious musculoskeletal pain and misalignments of the spine. Chiropractic can alleviate back injuries, headaches and the stress often associated with the strain of the gear and the conditions endured every day.”

Gen. Halstead says that she learned that chiropractic care enables patients to take an active role in their recovery and ongoing health. She also underscores the importance of working together to expand its availability. “Traditional medicine did not work for me…doctors of chiropractic not only allow but strongly encourage the patient to be part of the solution for their wellness” she said.


In honor of Veteran’s Day and in keeping with Brigadier General Becky Halstead’s mission to make chiropractic care more accessible to those in the military, we are offering all veterans and current military personnel a COMPLIMENTARY offer to receive a New Patient evaluation, including the consultation, exam, and any necessary X-rays, during the month of November.


Thank you for all that you’ve done and

All you continue to do.



As winter approaches, this is a great time to stock up on some great natural remedies for colds and flus.  With all illness, the best approach is to empower our own brilliant immune system.   Medical science will never hold a candle to the power of our own immune cells to remove cold, cough and flu viruses from our bodies.  Runny eyes, noses and coughing are all ways that our body discharges viruses and other undesirable microbes.

FLU VACCINES, over the counter or prescribed cold, cough and flu medications actually suppress and weaken our immune system while introducing unhealthy substances into our bodies! We are now more vulnerable to the next illness.  Instead there are natural approaches that relieve symptoms while building a more powerful immune system:

1)      Every chiropractic adjustment increases the amount of powerful immune cells in your body which serves to both prevent illness and/or hasten recovery.  Chiropractic wellness care patients are rarely sick!

2)      Congaplex by Standard Process.  This wonderful product will start to relieve your symptoms almost immediately while empowering your immune system.  They make a flavored chewable version also.  Adults take 3 – 3 times a day when experiencing symptoms, children; 1 – 3 times a day.

3)     Epimune Complex by Standard Process. This daily vegetarian immune balancing product contains Vitamin C, zinc, calcium and immune strengthening mushroom powders.  Adults take  2/day, children; 1 per day to prevent colds, flus and coughs or to shorten their duration.

4)     Hyland’s Homeopathic Cold and Cough 4 Kids .  These products are available at Hannaford’s in the health food section or WalMart  and Target in the children’s cold and cough health aids aisle.  NOTE: on the inside of the label are instructions for adults.

5)     Put a towel over your head and inhale the steam from a pot of boiling water (off the stove) with 6 drops of tea tree oil added.  Inhale deeply alternating through your nose and your mouth so you affect your nasal passage, sinus and lung tissues.  For adults or children; run a humidifier with 12 drops of tea tree oil in it while they sleep.  Tea tree oil is a powerful respiratory virus killer!

6)     Drink ½ your body weight in ounces of filtered water. Helps the body flush those microbes!

7)     Eat lots of organic veggies, especially greens which contain phytonutrients that supercharge your immune system.

8)     Get enough rest.  Most adults need 7-8 hours of high quality sleep for optimal immune health.

9)     Exercise.  Move our body in whatever way you enjoy.  Play in the snow!  Ice skate on a beautiful frozen pond!  Your immune system loves it all.

        “Let the word go forth that today the torch has been passed to a new generation of Pumpkin Growers.”   U.S. President John F. Kennedy


 Pumpkin comes from the same melon family as gourds, squash, zucchini and cucumber. It has many nutritional properties and health benefits, including:

  • rich in proteins that are antiviral and antifungal
  • high in vitamin A, potassium, iron, and other vitamins and minerals
  • regulates digestion and has traditionally been used to expel intestinal parasites
  • contains chemicals that inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria
  • restores the health of the pancreas in diabetics
  • aids in digestion

Try these easy, healthy, delicious pumpkin treats:

Pumpkin protein shake                                                             

In a blender:

1 c. Almond Milk or organic milk

1/3 of a can Organic pure pumpkin (not the pumpkin pie mix)

1 scoop Standard Process Whey Pro or SP Complete

½ banana

1 teaspoon vanilla

¾ teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon nutmeg

2 Tbsp. almond butter

1 tsp. baking powder

Blend until smooth. Add 6 to 8 ice cubes and blend until crushed. Pour into a tall

glass and garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon.


Almond pumpkin paleo muffins

1.5 c. almond meal/flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1 c. canned 100% pumpkin

1 very ripe banana, mashed

2 Tbsp. honey

3 tsp. cinnamon

3 eggs

1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Beat eggs. Add wet ingredients to eggs, stir until combined. In a separate bowl, mix together almond meal/flour, baking

soda & baking powder. Add the wet and dry ingredients together. Stir. Grease muffin tin with olive oil or coconut oil. Divide evenly into muffin pan.

Bake at 375 for 18 minutes. Makes about 12.





The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Let food be your medicine.” ~ Hippocrates

                        Nothing signals the start of the holiday season better than the scent of holiday spices filling your home. But did you know that popular holiday spices have much more to offer than pleasing scents–they each have unique health benefits that will add not only great taste to your holiday dishes but also a healthy boost.


The sweet and spicy flavor of cinnamon has been used by many different cultures for its medicinal properties for hundreds, even thousands, of years. One of the most talked about benefits of cinnamon relates to type 2 diabetes. A study published in the journal Diabetes Care found that half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day significantly reduces blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. It also reduces triglyceride, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol levels among this group.   Other benefits include:

  • Supports digestive function
  • Relieves congestion
  • Relieves pain and stiffness of muscles and joints
  • Blood-thinning compounds that stimulate circulation
  • Anti-inflammatory compounds that may relieve arthritis
  • Helps prevent urinary tract infections, tooth decay and gum disease


Nutmeg is another spice that has a variety of healing properties and can be used in a wide range of dishes during the holidays and all year long. It is useful for:

  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Calming muscle spasms
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Indigestion
  • Joint pain and gout
  • Lowering blood pressure
    • Improving concentration
    • Increasing circulation
    • Lowering cholesterol
    • Toothaches (nutmeg oil)


Ginger is another spice with a potent flavor that is great for warming your body and adding kick to foods. Its medicinal properties include:

  •     Soothes nausea, motion sickness and other stomach upset
  •     Anti-inflammatory properties
  •     Eliminates intestinal gas
  •     Relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract
  •     Antioxidant properties
  •     Relieves dizziness
  •     Boosts the immune system
  •     Protects against bacteria and fungi
  •     Promotes cardiovascular health

The therapeutic effects of fresh peppermint leaves have been known since ancient times and its aromatic aroma has come to symbolize hospitality in many cultures. Its healing properties include:

  • Soothing to the digestive tract
  • Relieves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
  • May protect against cancer
  • Inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungus
  • Relieves the symptoms of allergies and asthma



 We all know that detoxifying is good for us, but how do we choose a good protocol to follow?  We have so many choices between infomercials, health food stores and the internet, how do we decide which one is best for us?  Many of these programs have been criticized for being too harsh, not supplying enough nutrition, or just plain causing more harm than good.  Choose one that is effective, nutritionally sound and safe at the same time.  It is critical to make sure that your detox program:

1)      Does not ask you to fast. Toxins are released too quickly with no nutrition to bind and remove them, plus it is too stressful on the system.  Allow the body at least 21 days to cleanse.

2)      Does not ask you to refrain from solid food.  The closer your detox program is to the way you should be eating every day, the higher the probability that you will stick with an energizing wellness nutritional plan for life!  The right cleansing system is designed to set you on a lifelong, healthy course for eating the right foods moderately and sensibly, while supporting the body with essential nutrition.

3)     Does not ask you to eat a lot of fruit because although they contain nature’s whole sugar, it still causes an insulin response. An important part of any detox is that it has a very low glycemic index to it.  Our pancreas badly needs a rest from all the sugar-forming foods.  Berries especially blueberries are included in small amounts in high quality cleansing programs because they are relatively low on the glycemic index, contain biologically active antioxidants and fiber, along with enzymes to help digestion.

4)     Includes excellent quality protein powders which are super foods and essential for healing the gut.

5)     Uses natural, whole food based cleansing nutrients to bind and remove the toxins efficiently from the body.

6)     Provides lists of acceptable and non-acceptable foods, along with cooking tips and healthy, tasty recipes.

7)     Includes the liver, lymph, blood and kidneys as well as the colon in the cleansing process.

8)     Leaves you feeling revitalized, reenergized and empowered to maintain optimal results and to make detoxifying an annual tradition.

The Standard Process 21 Day Purification Program Follows These Guidelines with Excellence!

Oct 8th – Join us by ordering your products on or before this date.

Oct 15th :Pick up your Purification Program kit

Oct 16th – The one week “prep” phase begins

Oct. 23rd – The 21 Day Purification Program begins.

Nov 13th – The 21 Day Purification Program ends.

I find television very educating.

Every time somebody turns on the set,

I go into the other room and read a book.”

~ Groucho Marx (1890-1977)


What else could you be doing with that time?

There have been many recent studies that have associated television watching, especially early in a child’s life, with later attention problems, aggressive behavior, and being overweight.

 Children who watch TV a lot or who simply live in a home where the TV is always on, have also been shown to be more likely to have lower reading skills than children who don’t watch as much TV.

 Would your family benefit from watching less TV?

 If you consider the things that you could do to replace that time you used to spend watching TV, the answer is almost certainly yes.

 So replace the three hours of TV that the average child watches with other family activities that are perfect for fall. Go for a nice walk or hike, rake leaves, read a book, or play games, etc.

 Remember to bring your family in for their regular chiropractic adjustments!

Everyone will be healthier and happier!!

Every parent wants to raise a healthy, happy, loved and respected child that achieves their highest goals and fulfills their dreams.  That is all well and good, unless we exhaust our children, our family and ourselves in the process.

Many children today are involved in multiple extra-curricular activities; sports, tutoring, music, art or foreign language lessons, etc. Individually, these activities are valuable, but combined they can leave parents and children frazzled.

As heartfelt as our desire may be to help our children succeed, the question becomes, are we hindering their development by not allowing them to be, simply children? Children who are free to play outside with their siblings and friends, where their movements are random and unpredictable, nurture the development of their brain and nervous system.  When fresh air and fun are combined, our children are both healthy and happy!

Consider these 10 recommendations for a well-balanced family schedule:

1)      Limit each child to one extra-curricular activity at a time.  Do not agree to any new activity for yourself or your child without careful consideration for the family’s quality of life.

2)      Teach your child (by example too) to say no to activities that don’t really interest them.

3)      If you find yourself short tempered, exhausted and yelling at your children to hurry up because you’re (always) running late, it’s time to “un-schedule”.

4)     Give your child down time to spend on a hobby or just playing outside, every day if possible

5)     Get your child in the habit of physical activity after school and before homework.  Limit TV and video games.  These do not have the mental and physical health benefits of outdoor play.

6)     Set family nights once a month; Play games; watch a family movie, arts and crafts, etc.

7)     Resolve to eat dinner together as a family at least 4 nights per week.  The value of this is priceless.

8)     Make spending recreational time together as a family every week a priority. Go to the park, the playground, the zoo, a beach, interactive museums, bowling, etc.  Having fun together as a family is magical for our children.

9)     Involve your children in preparing meals, setting the table and cleaning up.  These activities are calming and build self-esteem.

10)  Have your entire family get adjusted regularly.  A healthy, optimally functioning nervous system is essential to staying healthy in our busy, busy world.

For more information on the holistic approach, attend our free

ADD/ADHD and Brain Gym Workshop

Presented every September!

Email reception@northborochiropractic.com or call 508.393.2513 to reserve your seat. Your guests are welcome!


The year was 1965.  Dr. Feingold, a pediatrician, was already a pioneer in the fields of allergy and immunology. That year, a new patient was referred to him for treatment of hives.  Based on his allergy research, he placed the patient on a diet that eliminated synthetic food dyes, artificial flavorings and other potential allergens.  Her hives resolved quickly.

Less than two weeks later, Dr. Feingold received a call from the patient’s psychiatrist wanting to know what he had done to help this patient’s mental issues. It turned out that she had been in therapy for several years because of her belligerent behavior.  On the elimination diet, her behavior became normal! The very surprised Dr. Feingold began to recommend this diet for other patients with behavioral, sensory integration and/or learning problems and saw consistent and incredible results.

In 1973, after eight years of clinical research that linked children’s learning and behavior problems with processed foods and food additives, Dr. Feingold presented his findings to the annual conference of the AMA.  Initially, his findings were embraced and enthusiastically promoted and a revolution in healthcare was on the horizon. Tragically, within a few months, Big Pharma and Big Food put enough pressure on the AMA that they withdrew their support of this important discovery.  Because of that, most pediatricians today are sadly unaware of this life-changing healthy advice and instead default to dangerous prescription medication.  Since Dr. Feingold’s research, many other scientists have validated his findings that certain synthetic food additives and foods can trigger hyperactivity, attention deficit and other problems.

More of Dr. Feingold’s great work can be found in his book Why Your Child is Hyperactive and on his website www.feingold.org.

Combining a high quality diet with regular chiropractic care, which allows your child’s nervous system to function at its highest ability, and Brain Gym exercises – you are guaranteed to see a happier and healthier child; academically, athletically and socially!!


For more information on the holistic approach, attend our free

ADD/ADHD and Brain Gym Workshop

Presented every September!


Email reception@northborochiropractic.com or call 508.393.2513 to reserve your seat. Your guests are welcome!



According to a recent study by the University of Adelaide in Australia, fish oil improves the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) without any of the dangerous side effects of drugs like Ritalin and Concerta – and is more effective!

130 children, ages of 7-12, diagnosed with ADHD were given fish oil capsules daily: 

1)     After 3 months, their behavior dramatically improved

2)    After 7 months, the children were not as restless and showed improvement at school

3)    Improvements in concentration and attention improved by 1/3

4)    After 15 weeks, 30-40% of the children had further improvements

5)    After 30 weeks, 40-50% had further improvements

6)   Children taking placebo capsules were later switched to fish oil and subsequently experienced improved behavior

7)    Improvements continued after the study ended which indicates long term positive effects

8)    When researchers compared their results to studies of Ritalin and Concerta for ADHD, they found that fish oils were more effective and have NO DANGEROUS SIDE EFFECTS

9)    Our office carries Standard Process Tuna Omega 3 which is a super high quality Omega 3 formula that will calm and focus your child’s brain and nervous system.

Combining high quality fish oil with regular chiropractic care, which allows your child’s nervous system to function at its highest ability, and Brain Gym  exercises– you are guaranteed to see a happier and more successful child; academically, athletically and socially!!

For more information on the holistic approach, attend our free

ADD/ADHD and Brain Gym Workshop

Presented every September!


Email reception@northborochiropractic.com or call 508.393.2513 to reserve your seat. Your guests are welcome!


Tasmanian Devil or Golden Retriever?

The following was written by Dr. Renee fuller, a specialist in neuro-psych evaluations:

Eight year old Erica came to my office for evaluation because her mother had been told that she was “hyperactive”.   During my two hour evaluation of Erica there was no sign of any disturbance.  What I had seen during the psychological-neurological examination was a lively, charming, and quite typical eight year old.  Two hours was enough time to see that Erica had no problems paying attention, or staying with a task.  Where had she gotten this label?

It came from her new classroom teacher who reported Erica as being noisy in class.  Being a lively and charming youngster, her friends had joined her in the noise. The teacher was not amused and requested that Erica be evaluated.

Fortunately, the story of Erica had a happy ending.  Rather than placing her on Ritalin, which the school had demanded, her parents switched schools.  Her new homeroom teacher was a lively elderly woman who enjoyed a noisy classroom.  As she grew older, Erica channeled her wonderful energy into helping her parents with their blossoming catering business.  Upon graduating from high schoo,l she became a full-fledged partner in their business which her husband-to-be eventually joined.

Rather than reflecting the true pathology of hyperactivity, our squirming and wriggling youngsters resemble other young mammals of every size and shape.  All baby mammals keep their mothers and sometimes fathers on constant alert.  As a result, many adult mammals pool their energy resources and create nurseries.

A healthy youngster keeps going long after the exasperated adult collapses in exhaustion.  Our children need this boundless energy to build a healthy body and to learn complex social interactions that occur during childhood play. To dampen this important work through the administration of drugs implies a lack of knowledge of our biology and its purposes. Unfortunately our schools seem to resent this totally normal and wonderful energy.  Erica may have surpassed many other youngsters in her energy level but this served her well in her family business.  It’s interesting to note that many highly successful individuals possess the same boundless energy.

I am so glad that Erica’s parents understood – that they did not heed the advice of her school, and perhaps destroy, or at least inhibit, the wonderful energetic and creative woman she came to be!

For more information on the holistic approach, attend our

ADD/ADHD and Brain Gym Workshop

Presented every September!

Email reception@northborochiropractic.com or call 508.393.2513 to reserve your seat. Your guests are welcome!