Two Case Studies


In the October 2004 issue of the peer-reviewed research publication, The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), is a case study of a child with ADHD who was helped with chiropractic care.

The case was of a 5 year old boy who had been diagnosed with ADHD at age 2.  The child’s pediatrician prescribed Ritalin, Adderall and Haldol for the next 3 years.  The combination of drugs was unsuccessful in helping the child.  At age 5 the child was brought to a chiropractor to see if chiropractic care would help.  The chiropractic evaluation showed noticeable spinal distortion including a reversal of the normal neck curve indicative of subluxations.  Chiropractic care was begun and his mother started to notice positive changes in her son’s general behavior around the 12th visit. By the 27th visit she reported considerable improvement.  During his next medical evaluation, the MD noted that this child no longer exhibited the symptoms of ADHD and took the boy off the (dangerous) medications he had been taking for 3 years without improvement.

In our office we have taken care of and improved the lives of many children with all varieties of learning disabilities.  The most dramatic case involved Nick who was also diagnosed with ADD/ADHD at the age of 2 and put on a chemical cocktail of Ritalin, anti-anxiety, anti-depression and sleeping pills.  I met Nick when he was 15 and had been medicated for 13 years.  He was failing miserably, socially and academically.  His behavior at home was stressful.  In other words, the medication route had produced negligible improvement and again was undoubtedly harming this young man.  Thankfully, Nick’s Mom brought him to our office.  His chiropractic evaluation showed many subluxations particularly in the cervical spine.  As his adjustments allowed improved nerve flow, he began to balance out emotionally and energetically.  After 6 months he was not only off all medications, he was doing much better academically and socially.  His home life was more harmonious and he began to desire to eat healthier and more beneficial foods.  Nick successfully graduated from high school and has been working ever since.

If your child has been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, my advice is to please attend our workshop on this topic. I will present the latest information on the causes and the effective natural treatment of ADD/ADHD.  Susan Wilbur, a certified Brain Gym instructor will join us and give us a demonstration of this wonderful tool that enhance learning thru the science of specific (fun) movements.

For more information on the holistic approach, attend our free

ADD/ADHD and Brain Gym Workshop

Presented every September!


Email or call 508.393.2513 to reserve your seat. Your guests are welcome!


Great Immunity Comes From:

A)    A POWERFUL NERVOUS SYSTEM – many studies show a dramatic increase in immune cell quantity and effectiveness after a chiropractic adjustment.  We welcome your “sick” visits as much as your well visits!! What does your chiropractic team do when they aren’t feeling 100% ??- GET ADJUSTED AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE!!

B)     A POWERFUL GUT – The gut is the home of the majority of the immune cells.  These important cells need a super healthy home to do their best work for you. Here are some ways to nurture your gut health:

1)      Eat lots of organic veggies (organic= waaay more nutrition), with at least 25% of them raw.  My favorite ways to get these important foods into my diet; smoothies and exciting salads!

2)      Add raw, fermented veggies to your daily diet.  Add them to your salads or gently warm them as a side dish.  Can be purchased at Whole Foods (Real Pickles brand) or Wegman’s (Wildbrine brand).  These foods are rich in the probiotics and other nutrients that create an immune cell friendly gut environment.

3)     Take probiotics every day.  We carry an amazing Standard Process product called ProSynbiotic and have a wonderful powder form for the little ones.  I personally give probiotics to both my grandchildren every time I see them.  I simply (and secretly) open the capsule or add the powder to their almond or coconut milk.  Our environment and our medical system do many things that inadvertently destroy our gut flora and weaken our immune system. In a perfect world, we would all take high quality probiotics every day from birth.

C)     Take powerful immunity enhancers every day – I do!! We carry products like Andrographis, Astragalus and Echinacea Premium for example, that supercharge the immune system. These are high quality herbal products by Mediherb ( a division of Standard Process).

D)    Do stress-busters every day.  Our response to stress is designed to suppress the function of the immune system as our body focuses on “fight or flight”.  Some great stress busters are a chiropractic adjustment, yoga, guided meditations, a walk in nature, a luxurious Epsom salt bath, hypnotherapy or Emotional Freedom Technique sessions.




1)      As unpleasant as they might be, symptoms are not actually the problem, but more importantly an alert to an underlying issue that should be heeded, not ignored or suppressed with medication.  When we experience symptoms, some great questions to ask ourselves are:

  1. Am I getting enough rest/sleep?
  2. Have I been eating unhealthy foods?
  3. Am I drinking enough clean water?
  4. Am I exercising enough for my body?
  5. Have I been under a lot of stress lately?
  6. Have I been receiving enough chiropractic care? – chiropractic care optimizes the function of our nervous system which determines our ability to adapt to the various stressors listed above.   With regular adjustments, spinal health is optimized, allowing proper nervous system function and a de-stressed body that performs at its best.
  7. Does my body need purifying? – consider creating a health tradition of doing our

Purification Program once a year.  This delicious and nutritious 21 days of eating super healthy foods and cleansing products transforms your health on many levels.  You are guaranteed to experience more health, energy and lose weight!  Let Alyssa know if you want to join our office in October for our next Purification Program.

2)      Wellness chiropractors do not diagnose or treat conditions and diseases.  Instead we are the only profession in the world trained to locate, analyze and correct vertebral subluxations – one of the most significant causes of interference to our optimal function and health. Chiropractic wellness care focuses on improving the health of every cell, tissue, organ, gland and system in your body rather than suppressing symptoms.

3)     The Germ Theory was disproven even before Louis Pasteur died.  Dr. Pasteur publicly acknowledged at the end of his life, that it was the health of the body that determined whether or not a virus, bacteria or other unwanted microbe was able to infect us.  Sadly, our current medical care system is becoming less and less effective at “killing” these invaders but offers no advice on how to build a powerful immune system that will out-perform any drug that science could come up with.  And best of all, there are no dangerous side effects!

To learn more about how to create optimal wellness, come to our free workshop on Powerful Immunity.  Your friends and family are welcome. This workshop is held here every August.

Seating is limited so please call 508.393.2513 or email us at to reserve your space.

This is an excellent question that more and more parents are asking.  School systems all over the state of Massachusetts are now dealing with a significant number of parents that are choosing to not vaccinate their children.  These parents love their children and are concerned that the vaccinations are doing more harm than good.  So why is this happening?

It is happening because it turns out that vaccinations are not as scientifically tested for safety and effectiveness as most people in the US would assume.  It is happening because parents are educating themselves and learning that there are ingredients in most vaccinations that require hazardous disposal methods but are allowed to be injected into our beloved infants and toddlers.  It is happening because some of our scientists that specialize in immunology are discovering that vaccinations actually weaken our immune system.  It is happening because it appears that the more we vaccinate the more our children suffer from autism and childhood cancer.

This is a very difficult and emotional topic.  My advice?  Come to our free workshop on Powerful Immunity which includes a thoughtful discussion on the vaccination controversy and offers a scientifically proven middle ground solution. You will also learn how your children can attend school in Massachusetts without being vaccinated. Your friends and family are welcome. This workshop is held here every August.  Seating is limited so please let Alyssa know, call 508.393.2513 or email us at

“Fever is not an illness, rather, it is a symptom of sickness and is usually a positive sign that the body is

fighting infection.  Fevers generally do not need to be treated with medication and may be important

 in helping your child fight the infection.”  

The American Academy of Pediatrics


It is natural for a parent to be concerned when a child is ill.  Fevers are one of the primary reasons that parents call their child’s pediatrician.  Yet the truth is, we have been told many fearful myths about this topic.

What science tells us is that fever is a brilliant response on the part of your child’s immune system to “burn out” bacteria, virus or toxin.  For all children above the age of 3 months, a fever is actually a good thing.  It’s a sign that their immune system is functioning properly.  Suppressing symptoms with Tylenol, Ibuprofen, decongestants or antibiotics, diminishes the healing and cleansing power of our immune system. Most importantly with children, it prevents their immune system from learning and becoming more powerful by successfully engaging in minor “battles” with pathogens.

The following was taken from Seattle Children’s Hospital website:

                100⁰-102⁰                              Low grade fever; beneficial, desirable range

                102⁰-104⁰                              Mild fever; beneficial

                104⁰-105⁰                              Moderate fever; beneficial, causes discomfort but harmless

                105⁰-106                                High fever; likely related to a bacterial infection. Seek healthcare assistance

                Over 106⁰                             Very high fever; can be harmful.  Seek healthcare assistance.

Fever will NOT rise out of control if left untreated.  The body has a built-in limit on how high fever can rise; for most people that limit is about 106⁰F which for most adults and children has no ill-effects.

The temperature reading on the thermometer should not be the basis for either panic or reassurance. Children with life-threatening illness may present with a low-grade fever and children with non-threatening viral infections can have very high fevers.  Other symptoms and behaviors must be used to determine whether or not an illness is serious.  If a feverish child is becoming weaker and weaker, losing eye contact or growing cool or pale, their doctor or ER should be contacted.

Fever does not cause brain damage.  Fever is sometimes (2-5%) associated with brief seizures in children between 6 months and 6 years of age. These seizures are not harmful and do not lead to epilepsy. Some researchers believe this is related to a rapid change in body temperature – a good reason to avoid rapidly lowering a child’s temperature with medication during a fever.

The Best Response to Fever; Keep your child resting and warm enough that they have rosy cheeks. Keep them well hydrated (water and flavored coconut water is excellent for this) Keep their immune system powerful with regular chiropractic care.  The immune system like all other systems in our body is controlled by the nervous system which is housed in the spine. By keeping the spine healthy, the immune system is able to receive clear and effective instructions from our brilliant nervous system and therefore can execute a more powerful response to infection.


To learn more about how to make the right health care decisions for you and your children, come to our free workshop on Powerful Immunity.

Your family and friends are welcome. This workshop is held here every August.

Seating is limited so please call 508.393.2513 or email  to reserve your space.

As fun as it is to drive to the Cape or some other beautiful place in New England, the sitting posture reverses the natural and healthy curves of the neck and low back creating a lot of stress in our spine, our nervous system and our health. Here are some great tips to counteract the stress and spinal damage of driving:

– It is important to maintain the natural curve in your lower back. Once this curve is supported, the rest of your posture automatically improves. Some cars come with a built in lumbar support or you can purchase a lumbar support cushion from our office.
– Your arms should comfortably reach the steering wheel w/o having to stretch.
BOTH hands on the wheel at all times!
– Your head should be level with the head rest and no more than 7 cm away. This will prevent that unhealthy for your nervous system forward head posture!

– Stop hourly during long car rides. Walk around for a few minutes. Then place your hands on your lower spine, keep your knees straight and bend your lower spine backwards. Hold for 30 seconds. Take a 15 second break and repeat two more times.
– Hold steering wheel with hands at 10 & 2, press shoulder blades and head into seat and head rest, hold 5-7 sec, repeat 5 times. This can be done while driving.

– Mellow, soothing music will keep you calm and focused which helps you be a safer driver!
– Interesting, motivational or educational books make a long drive much more enjoyable
– A quality DVD can go a long way to keeping the little people happy.

– Always give yourself extra time so traffic delays won’t send you into a stress response
– Remind yourself that stressing out on the road is truly “sweating the small stuff”!! When traffic doesn’t cooperate, make a mental list of 20 things you are grateful for while taking long deep breaths. This will immediately calm you and put a smile on your face!

– A healthy nervous system handles stress much more effectively and easily!

“…in one year, $85.9 BILLION was spent on imaging, drugs, surgery, and doctor visits for low back pain, all of it was considered useless.”
~Newsweek, 3/15/2010


Why do the traditional approaches to back and neck pain so often fail? It is because the most important thing to know is that spinal pain is your brain’s way of letting you know that there is a problem with the function of your nervous system (which by the way runs your body) and to please get some help! NEVER IGNORE PAIN any more than you would ignore a fire alarm going off. Drugs and surgery often have limited success as they do not address the cause of this pain which most commonly is vertebral subluxation. Your brain is committed to your health and will keep the pain alarm turned on until your health is restored. According to research, only Chiropractic can restore optimal structure and function to the spinal column which allows the pain alarm to turn off and health to turn on, naturally.

• Always stretch before any strenuous physical activity (In fact it would be wise to engage in a regular stretching program. Don’t know what kind of stretches to do? Just ask us for a stretching sheet today!) Yoga classes are great for the spine!! Alyssa offers an incredible one hour class on Wednesdays at 6:10pm and Saturdays at 9:30am.
• Sit or stand with your shoulders back and your ears back over your shoulders, and a healthy inward curve in your lower spine.
• Sit in chairs or car seats with good lumbar support. When that lumbar curve is in place, your upper back and neck posture will follow!
• Switch sitting positions often and periodically walk around or gently stretch muscles to relieve tension.
• Don’t bend over without supporting your back and engaging your core by tightening your belly button towards your spine.
• Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes.
• Sleep on your side or back, never your stomach. Using a cervical pillow and putting a pillow in between your knees is also very helpful.
• Lift using the power of your legs, keeping the inward lower back curve in place and your core muscles engaged.
• Eat as much organic, whole food produce as possible, especially greens!
• Drink ½ your body weight in ounces of clean, filtered water
• And of course, get regular chiropractic care. In our “sitting-sedentary based” culture it is impossible to maintain optimal spine and nervous system function without receiving chiropractic adjustments minimally every two weeks. But hey, where else can you improve your health and energy level dramatically in a matter of minutes!!

In last week’s post, we shared with you of the importance of including Omega 3’s in your diet. Wild-caught salmon is an excellent source of Omega 3’s. 

Here are a few ways to enjoy this delicious superfood!!

Wild-Caught Salmon with Cherry Salsa


1 c chopped tart cherries

1 small red onion, diced

1 jalapeno, chopped

1 tbsp raw honey

1 clove garlic, minced

1 tsp grated ginger

1 lb wild-caught salmon fillet, cut into 4 pieces

Salt and Pepper to taste


In a medium bowl, stir together the ingredients for the salsa until well combined. Cover and chill until ready to serve. Preheat grill to medium heat. Season salmon fillets with salt and pepper. Lightly oil grill grate and place salmon on pre-heated grill. Cook salmon for 6-8 minutes per side or until fish flakes easily with a fork. Transfer to plate lined with romaine lettuce(recipe below) and top with cherry salsa.

Grilled Romaine Lettuce

1 bunch Romaine lettuce

Olive Oil

Sea Salt and Pepper

Peel full leaves off of Romaine head and place in Ziploc bag with olive oil, sea salt and pepper.  Place on grill for approximately 1 minute until wilted and crispy on edges.   Arrange on platter and place salmon on top.

Summer Shish Kabobs

1 zucchini, ¼ inch slices

1 summer squash, ¼ inch slices

8 baby portabella mushrooms

1-2 tomatoes, sliced into 8 wedges

Olive Oil

Balsamic Vinaigrette
4 chopsticks

Place all vegetables on chopsticks.  Drizzle in olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette.  Grill for 10-12 minutes or until vegetables are crisp.


Happy & Healthy Grilling!

Omega-3 in fish and seafood is high in two fatty acids crucial to human health, DHA and EPA.   These two powerful nutrients cannot be made by the body and must be obtained from our diet.  Even the mainstream health media now reports that a lack of omega-3 in the American diet is one of the most serious health issues plaguing contemporary society.

Here are some of the amazing HEALTH BENEFITS of OMEGA-3’s:

1)      Weight loss as omega-3 helps the body process fat

2)      Increases energy

3)     Prevents diseases such as cancer, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer’s and more

4)     Helps pregnant women avoid premature birth and low birth-weight

5)     Reduces hyperactivity in children

6)     Outstanding for healthier skin, nails and hair

7)     Reduces inflammation

8)     Empowers the immune response

9)     Improves mental function

10)  Helps balance emotions

Because so much of our seafood is now contaminated with toxins, the best sources of Omega-3’s are:

1)      Green Pastures Cod Liver Oil with A&D.  Only Green Pastures makes a safe and powerful cod liver oil product which has the added benefit of Vitamin D.  Recommended dosage is 2/day.

Cost is $40 for 120 capsules.

2)      Standard Process Omega-3 Tuna Oil.  This product has excellent EPA and DHA ratios for both adults and children.  The perles are very small and Standard Process ensures that all its products are contaminate free. Recommended dose is 4/day.  Price is $22 /120 perles.

3)     Standard Process Omega-3 Chewable.  These perles can be swallowed or chewed and have a subtle orange flavor. This product has less DHA and EPA than the regular Tuna Omega-3 (still more than enough for a child) and has the added benefit of containing vitamins D and E.  Recommended dose is 4/day.  Price is $22 /120 perles.

4)     Standard Process Calamari Omega-3 Liquid.  This is perfect for people and children that prefer a liquid supplement.  It has a clean, understated citrus taste.  Recommended dosage is 1 tsp (5mls) per day.  Price is $47.00/200 mls

5)     Although wild-caught salmon is a wonderful source of Omega-3’s as well as protein, few of us are going to eat enough of that to get our daily requirements.  But if you love this superfood make sure that it is wild-caught and not farmed.  Wild-caught is significantly freer of toxins.

      Outdoor fun is part of the healthy chiropractic lifestyle!

 Summer is a great time to get outdoors, absorb vitamin D from the sun and get some exercise too.

Here is a list of Central Mass family-friendly fun ideas!

  1. Tougas Farm-Pick your own fruit, Petting Zoo and Ice Cream Kitchen-Northboro, MA

At Tougas Family Farm the whole family can pick from a variety of fruits during the summer months including blueberries, cherries, raspberries and peaches.  The little ones can play on the playground, pet the baby goats and enjoy an ice cream.  Fruit availability and pricing varies, so it’s best to check their website at or call their picking line at (508)393-6406.

  1. Lake Chauncy-Westboro, MA (Westboro and Northboro residents only)

If you love the beach, but don’t want to drive an hour to get there we are lucky to have Lake Chauncy conveniently located right on Lyman St. in Westboro.  It’s a great clean place to take the kids for swimming and playing in the sand.  There are lifeguards, bathrooms and usually an appearance by the ice cream truck. $2 per person or summer passes are available from the town halls.

  1. 3.       Assabet River Rail Trail-Wilkens St. Hudson, MA-Biking, Walking or Running

If you’re looking to incorporate some fitness in your outdoor activities, biking is a great family activity.  This 5.6 mile long paved trail, which has a good combination of shade and sun, is ideal for all levels of bikers, runners or walkers. With the exception of a couple of road crossings, there is no need to worry about riding on the road with traffic. For more information go to:

  1. 4.       Davis Farmland-Sterling, MA

The kids will love the many animals and activities Davis farm has to offer.  There is a playground as well as picnicking areas so bring your lunch and make a day of it!  For hours and rates please go to: or call (978)422-MOOO (6666).

  1. 5.       Mt. Wachusett-Princeton, MA-Hiking or Walking

Mt. Wachusett has over 17 hiking and walking trails for all levels and abilities.  There are kid/beginner level trails and if you’re looking for a challenge, you can hike to the 2,006 ft. summit, The 3,000-acre Wachusett Mountain State Reservation natural resources include forests, alpine meadows, ponds, streams, fields, and even a perched bog.  Recreational opportunities abound at the reservation including hiking, nature study, hawk watching, and picnicking.  For more information go to:

  1. 6.       Hopkinton State Park-Rte. 85 Hopkinton, MA 

Hopkinton State Park offers a variety of recreational activities, including 2 life-guarded beaches, 10 miles of trails, stocked fishing, canoeing, kayaking, and picnicking areas.  Pets on a leash are allowed as well.  For more information please go to:  To inquire about boat rentals call (508)435-4303.

  1. 7.       The Butterfly Place-Westford, MA

The Butterfly Place is an indoor garden with hundreds of freely-flying butterflies.  Learn all about different butterfly species and their journey from caterpillar to butterfly.  Bring your lunch to enjoy in their outdoor picnicking area.  For more information go to: or call (978)392-0955.

  1. 8.       Breezy Picnic Grounds Waterslides-Douglas, MA

A family owned recreational facility, Breezy Picnic Grounds offers 3 300’ waterslides, swimming in Whitins Reservoir, and beautiful picnic areas.  For pricing and hours go to: or call (508)476-2664.

  1. 9.          Southwick’s Zoo-Mendon, MA

Southwick’s Zoo offers a wide variety of exhibits that enable visitors to get a close up view of the animals in a naturalistic setting. Southwick’s Zoo is home to over a hundred species of animals from around the world!  With many picnic areas and snack bars available, plan to enjoy lunch and spend the day.  For hours and rates go to:

  1. 10.   Community Harvest Project-Grafton, MA

Brigham Hill Community Farm in Grafton is home to Community Harvest Project, a volunteer farming organization who provide fresh fruits and vegetables to local food banks to help put an end to hunger in the Central Mass area.  Adults and children can volunteer to plant and harvest various fruits and vegetables and know that they are making a difference in the lives of others.  To learn how you can volunteer contact:

  1. 11.   Get Adjusted Regularly!

Regular chiropractic care ensures that your body is healthy and energetic for enjoying summer fun!